Gurnard Primary School

Gurnard Primary School

Respect, Success, Belonging

  1. About our school
  2. Ofsted report

Ofsted report - November 2019



Our recent Ofsted inspection highlighted the many strengths of our school including:

  • Gurnard Primary is a school where children learn to love education.  

  • Pupils enjoy attending this happy and vibrant school, rarely missing a day.  

  • Leaders and governors strive to provide all pupils with the best education possible.  

  • [Leaders] have carefully considered how they want different subjects to be taught. Leaders have introduced a model where teachers are supported to specialise in an area of the curriculum. This has resulted in a highly skilled teaching team, with strong subject knowledge.  

  • Pupils love being taught different subjects by different teachers....and are excited by the subjects they study.  

  • Pupils proudly spoke about teachers challenging them in a wide range of subjects.  

  • [Pupils] love the variety of sport and musical opportunities they have.  

  • In most subjects, leaders have sequenced the learning, carefully considering the order they want pupils to meet new concepts and skills.  

  • Teachers teach reading and phonics well. Children in early years learn phonics quickly.  

  • Pupils love reading and do so fluently and often.  

  • Leaders have high expectations of pupils’ learning and behaviour.  

  • Pupils work hard and take pride in what they do. Behaviour around the school is calm and purposeful.  

  • Pupils are kind to each other. They behave well in lessons and try their best.  

  • Any pupils who need help with their behaviour choices are supported well. This is because staff understand their needs.   

  • Teachers understand the difficulties faced by pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities.  Support plans are in place to help teachers adapt their teaching for these pupils.  

  • Leaders know the pupils and their families well.  

  • Designated safeguarding leads pay high levels of care and attention to pupils’ welfare and safety. Communication is seamless. Records are thorough and all necessary actions are taken without delay.  

  • The vast majority of parents who responded to Ofsted’s Parent View questionnaire are very positive about the school. As one parent wrote, ‘Gurnard provides a safe and fun environment, where my child is able to learn and grow.’