Gurnard Primary School

Gurnard Primary School

Respect, Success, Belonging

  1. Parents
  2. Attendance



At Gurnard Primary School we believe that regular school attendance is essential if children are to achieve their full potential. We value the attendance of all pupils. Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind and can put them at risk of wider harm. There is a wide range of evidence as to the health and wellbeing benefits of school-age education. Research commissioned by the Department for Education shows missing school for even a day can mean a child is less likely to achieve good grades, which can have a damaging effect on their life chances. As set out in this policy, we will work with families to identify the reasons for poor attendance and try to resolve any difficulties at the earliest opportunity.





Reporting absence 

A parent has a legal responsibility to ensure that their child attends school regularly. If a child is unavoidably absent from school, parents are expected to contact school by telephone call on the morning of the first day of absence and on each subsequent day, identifying the reason for absence and the expected date of return. If no contact is received, then absence protocols will be instigated. 

If a child is absent, the following actions will be initiated by the school:

    • The first day calling procedures will be activated for all pupils who are not in school after close of register at 9:00am and where no reason for absence is known.
    • If there is still no contact made from the pupil’s parents, a further telephone call home will be made again that morning. If no response can be gained, the child’s named emergency contact will be telephoned
  • If school cannot contact a parent and are concerned about a pupil, a home visit may be carried out  


Authorised absence

The following are the occasions when an absence will be authorised:

  • When a child is ill

  • Medical or dental appointments which cannot be made during the holidays or after school

  • Close family bereavements

  • Days of religious observance

  • Offsite educational activities which occur on an occasional basis, such as school trips, sporting events, music examinations or public performances in which children are participating

  • Visits to other schools, agreed in advance, for the purpose of interviews or examinations.


Unauthorised absence

The following are examples of occasions when an absence will not be authorised:

  • When no explanation of the absence is received

  • When there is reason to doubt the explanation

  • Truancy

  • Any holiday not authorised by the Headteacher

  • Work commitments (exception given to armed forces on active service)
  • Taster days at another school (these are not authorised by the Local Authority)
  • Closure of a sibling’s school

  • Shopping trips during school hours

  • Birthdays, weddings or family celebrations

  • Early removal from school (unless agreed by the Headteacher).


Leave of Absence

Since September 2013, changes to Government regulations and guidance mean that Headteachers can no longer authorise leave of absence unless there are exceptional circumstances. All absences associated with a holiday (without exceptional circumstance) during term time will be marked as unauthorised within the register. Any parents known to have removed their child from school for the sole purpose of a holiday may be referred to the Local Authority and be issued with a penalty notice fine or referred to the Local Authority to consider prosecution. 

We believe that children need to be in school for all sessions so that they can make the most progress possible. However, we do understand that there are times where a parent may legitimately request leave of absence for a child due to ‘exceptional circumstances'. At Gurnard Primary School, leave of absence is only granted at the discretion of the Headteacher and shall not be granted unless there are ‘exceptional circumstances’. Gurnard Primary School will respond to all applications for leave of absence in writing.

Parents wishing to apply for leave of absence during term time must read and complete the Leave of Absence Form at least two weeks before the planned leave (see Appendix 1). This form is available from the school office and also within this policy.  If a written request for leave of absence is not completed and the leave is taken without a request being submitted, the leave will not be considered by the Headteacher, and it will be marked as unauthorised. 

A penalty notice request or a referral for prosecution may be submitted to the Local Authority should: -

  • The parent fails to submit a leave of absence request in advance of taking the leave.
  • An application for a leave of absence is not agreed by the Headteacher but is still taken.
  • A longer period is taken more than the agreed number of days.    

When absence is granted by the Headteacher, the parents will need to agree a date of return. If a pupil fails to return on the expected date and contact is not received from, or made with the parents, school will seek advice from the Local Authority. This could result in possible children missing from education procedures being instigated.


Fixed Penalty Notices 

Unauthorised absence and persistent lateness may result in the issue of a Fixed Penalty Notice to each  parent/carer, for each child for the period of absence from school. 

A Fixed Penalty Notice is a fine which may be issued as an alternative to prosecution. It does not require a  court appearance and does not result in a criminal record. Payment of a Fixed Penalty Notice enables the  parent/carer to discharge the potential liability for prosecution and subsequent conviction.  

The Fixed Penalty Notice is £80 per pupil, per parent/carer if paid within 21 days, rising to £160 per pupil per parent/carer if paid within 28 days. If a second penalty notice is issued within a rolling three-year period the notice will be at the £160 rate. No penalty notice will be issued for a third time. In that event the absence would be considered for prosecution.