Assessment plays a vital part in our curriculum model to ensure we are teaching the right things at the right time. As well as regular AFL in lessons, teachers ensure they formally assess children’s learning at the end of each unit of work. This helps teachers to make adaptations to future units of work and ensure essential knowledge and concepts that are not fully secured are built into future units of work.
Children complete standardised tests for Reading, Spelling and Maths each term, this supports teachers overall assessment for English and Maths.
The wider curriculum subjects are assessed in a manageable but effective way. The essential knowledge that needs to be acquired is made clear at the beginning of each unit of work, teachers monitor children’s progress on this throughout the unit of work and a final assessment document is completed at the end of each unit (see below). This highlights any children that have exceeded the essential knowledge and those that have not quite secured the essential knowledge yet. In the event of a child not securing the essential knowledge, notes are made on what adaptations will be made for that child throughout the next unit of work to ensure they can access the learning as successfully as possible and address any gaps in learning.