Gurnard Primary School

Gurnard Primary School

Respect, Success, Belonging

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Meet the Governors

The Board of Governors meet every half term at our Full Governing Board meetings to discuss the school’s development plan, risk assessments, safeguarding, SEND, governance matters, policies and any other business and priorities relating to the term.  Within individual Governor link roles, Governors carry out monitoring visits in their allocated school areas and provide reports at our Full Governing Board Meetings. 


School Governors Biographies (in alphabetical order): 

Sharon Corbin - Co-opted Governor

I have been a registered Social Worker (Children and Families Social Worker) since 1981.  I have extensive experience of both practice and management roles and retired from my last substantive post which was with CAFCASS working in the London Courts in 2008 in Private Law. I moved to live on the IOW the same year.

Throughout my professional career, as well as a parent and grandparent, I have maintained a clear commitment to ensuring that children can be offered an optimal experience of education – both inside and outside of school, in order to develop their potential as well-functioning, happy and confident learners. In my role as a co-opted governor of this widely experienced Governing Body at Gurnard Primary School. I look forward to learning more about the current priorities of our school and how we can best support the teaching staff and school leadership team as we strive to continue developing the quality of education for all pupils of our school, regardless of their social background and individual learning needs.

Date of appointment: 15th May 2024

Term of office: 4 years

Appointed by:  Governing Board

Business or financial interests: None

Governance roles in other schools: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and staff: None

Meetings attended in 2023-24: 0/1

Jennie Healey - Parent Governor and Link Governor for Health and Safety

I work as a Project Manager for the National Trust, looking after project delivery as part of the London and South East Consultancy team, my background is in construction and industrial implementation. I was born on the island, left do to get a degree and start my career and I came back in 2010 to be around family and start my own, my eldest joined Gurnard Primary in 2019.

I want to be parent governor to support the school, I recognise that the school is a crucial element of our community and our children's lives and I relish being part of making that the best it can be. I'm excited to learn more about schools and education governance, and I bring skills in the management of project delivery, procurement, risk, budgets, stakeholders and engagement, working for and with private, public and non-profit organisations. 

Date of appointment: 13th October 2023

Term of office: 4 years

Appointed by:  Parental Election

Business or financial interests: None

Governance roles in other schools: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and staff: None

Meetings attended in 2023-24: 4/5

Emma Meek - Local Authority Governor and Link Governor for Child Protection/Safeguarding; SEND; and OPAL.

I currently work for the Integrated Care Board (NHS) as the strategic lead for Children’s Continuing Care on the Isle of Wight. I am experienced in change management, operational and strategic planning, thinking, acting, and influencing. 
I previously worked for Barnardo’s and various educational establishments and focused on improving children and young people’s outcomes. I am particularly passionate about children’s mental health and wellbeing and the impact this has on academic achievement and I advocate the unique support individual children should receive to thrive.  I have been a a member of Gurnard Governing Board for 8 years, previously, as the Chair and now supporting the Board as the Local Authority Governor.

Date of appointment: Elected as Parent Governor on 11th December 2015 and as Local Authority Governor on 12th December 2019

Term of office: 4 years

Appointed by:  The Local Authority

Business or financial interests: None

Governance roles in other schools: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and staff: None

Meetings attended in 2023-24: 5/7 FGB meetings


Emily Ottley - Co-opted Governor

I am passionate about the futures of our Island children and aim to use this role as a platform to support their progress. Having attended Gurnard Primary School myself, many years ago, I have close personal links with the school. My professional background is in education and I have worked as a Secondary English teacher for several years, both on the mainland and on the Island. 

Date of appointment: 15th May 2024

Term of office: 4 years

Appointed by:  Governing Board

Business or financial interests: None

Governance roles in other schools: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and staff: Yes, related to a member of school staff

Meetings attended in 2023-24: 1/1


Clare Overy - Parent Governor

I have worked in Education for 18 years in various roles supporting Leadership teams in HR, Finance, Business Management and Strategic planning.  My current role specialises in Financial Planning and Data Reporting for a multi-academy trust.  I look forward to working with the school and Governing Body to achieve the best outcomes for our young people to ensure their successful futures.

Date of appointment: 19th January 2024

Term of office: 4 years

Appointed by:  Parental Election

Business or financial interests: None

Governance roles in other schools: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and staff: None

Meetings attended in 2023-24: 4/4

Roger Rickman – Co-opted Governor and Link Governor for Mathematics

I was elected to the Governing Board as a Co-opted Governor in March 2019.  I bring extensive knowledge and experience in education and children’s services to the Board.  After a period as a teacher, I trained as an educational psychologist and became the principal educational psychologist in a local education authority.  I then went on to hold senior management positions with responsibly for a wide range of education services and social care services for children and young adults.  I am now retired from my local authority director position and have since undertaken consultancy and government inspection work.  I aim to contribute to all aspects of planning, decision-making and problem solving as a member of the Governing Board and will be taking a special interest in mathematics within the curriculum.

Date of appointment: 26th March 2019

Term of office: 4 years

Appointed by:  The Governing Board

Business or financial interests: None

Governance roles in other schools: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and staff: None

Meetings attended in 2023-24: 6/7 FGB meetings

Sarah Squibb – Staff Governor

My professional background began in law and I worked as a qualified solicitor for six years before deciding to retrain as a teacher. I have been a qualified teacher for over 11 years and have been lucky enough to spend 10 of those years at Gurnard Primary! I am passionate about the school and am excited to be acting as the staff representative on the Governing Board, working alongside the other governors to assist them in understanding the workings of the school. 

Date of appointment: 20th September 2024

Term of office: 4 years

Appointed by:  The Governing Board

Business or financial interests: None

Governance roles in other schools: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and staff: None

Meetings attended in 2023-24: N/A

Stuart Thomas – Chair of Governors, Parent Governor and Link Governor for English, PEACH and Compliance

My background is in operations management and strategic planning and over the past 15 years I have worked in campaigning non-government organisations (NGOs) and charities across a number of areas, including board governance, HR, financial reporting & budget setting, health and safety risk assessment and project management.

For the past two years I have worked in operations management for the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in Cowes. 
I have been on the Governing Board since 2020 and Chair of Governors since September 2023.

Date of appointment: 13th July 2020

Term of office: 4 years

Appointed by:  Parental election

Business or financial interests: None

Governance roles in other schools: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and staff: None

Meetings attended in 2023-24: 7/7 FGB meetings


Doug Vincett – Vice-Chair of Governors, Parent Governor and Link Governor for Science and Computing

I have a wide and varied background from working on large yachts to holding a long-term position in the sales and marketing department of a successful Island marine manufacturer.  As a Governor I bring my valuable communication skills, logistics and strategic planning experience as well as a keen drive to learn.

Date of appointment: 18th November 2020

Term of office: 4 years

Appointed by:  Parental election

Business or financial interests: None

Governance roles in other schools: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and staff: None

Meetings attended in 2023-24: 5/7 FGB meetings

Nerys Welfoot - Co-opted Governor

I worked for 23 years at the House of Commons as a Clerk, helping Members of Parliament examine and scrutinise Government policy, expenditure and legislation. After moving back to the Island permanently, I taught both Geography and Government and Politics at Ryde Academy and am delighted to put this educational experience to good use by serving as a Governor for Gurnard Primary School. I now work in the Philanthropy Team of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in Cowes. I look forward to contributing to the Governing body and supporting this wonderful school.  

Date of appointment: 31st January 2024

Term of office: 4 years

Appointed by:  Co-opted by the Governing Board

Business or financial interests: None

Governance roles in other schools: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and staff: None

Meetings attended in 2023-24: 3/3


Victoria Wells - Parent Governor and Link Governor for EYFS

I am Vice Principal at a local secondary school. I moved to the island six years ago having worked previously in education in London. I have held various roles within secondary education leadership and I trained as a History teacher. As a governor I bring my experience in helping teachers to develop and using data to inform school development plans. I am keen to support the school as it moves into an exciting next stage of development.

Date of appointment: 13th October 2023

Term of office: 4 years

Appointed by:  Parental election

Business or financial interests: None

Governance roles in other schools: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and staff: None

Meetings attended in 2023-24: 4/5


Clemma Yardley – Headteacher

This role involves working closely with the Governing Board and meeting regularly with the Chair of Governors.  The Headteacher attends all meetings of the Full Governing Board to report to them on progress towards key objectives; provide guidance and information on initiatives and regulations; draft policies and development plans; and produce various reports to help inform their decision making. This support helps to maximise the time efficiency of the Governing Board and assist effective governance. The Headteacher is accountable to the Governing Board and a key part of the role is to bring a whole-school perspective and day-to-day context to their meetings and discussions. 

Date of appointment: 1st September 2022

Term of office: Whilst in post

Appointed by:  The Headteacher is automatically a member of the Governing Board

Business or financial interests: None

Governance roles in other schools: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and staff: None

 Meetings attended in 2023-24: 6/7 FGB meetings

Click here to see details of Governing Board members that have served during

the last 12 months but are no longer Governing Board members